Axminster Carpets is committed to providing unparalleled standards and quality of service to all of its customers. We believe that this can and must be done in a way, which protects and enhances the environment.
Due to our factory being situated adjacent to the River Axe Special Area of Conservation (SAC), with a stream leading to the river passing directly below the factory, it is recognised that we have even greater responsibility to minimise the impact of the factory on the local environment. This will also contribute to improving the global environment.
Our main responsibilities are as follows:
- We will strive at all times to comply with all regulatory or consent requirements.
- All employees are made aware of the effect that their actions, both individually and as part of the business can have on the local environment.
- The whole site is managed in an environmentally friendly sensitive manner by minimising waste, saving energy and recycling as much as possible. Bunds located around tanks and process areas will be well maintained.
- Environmental implications will be fully considered when planning new or changing existing operations. This will also apply to the purchasing of new materials and services.
- We recycle all our waste yarns into carpet underlay.
- The company will continue to investigate all available options to improve our environmental awareness and techniques throughout the business.